cm p - lg / 9 41 10 27 7 O ct 1 99 5 CLASSIFIER ASSIGNMENT BY CORPUS - BASED APPROACH
This paper presents an algorithm for selecting an appropriate classifier word for a noun. In Thai language, it frequently happens that there is fluctuation in the choice of classifier for a given concrete noun, both from the point of view of the whole speech community and individual speakers. Basically, there is no exact rule for classifier selection. As far as we can do in the rule-based approach is to give a default rule to pick up a corresponding classifier of each noun. Registration of classifier for each noun is limited to the type of unit classifier because other types are open due to the meaning of representation. We propose a corpus-based method (Biber,1993; Nagao,1993; Smadja,1993) which generates Noun Classifier Associations (NCA) to overcome the problems in classifier assignment and semantic construction of noun phrase. The NCA is created statistically from a large corpus and recomposed under concept hierarchy constraints and frequency of occurrences.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : a lg - g eo m / 9 41 00 29 v 1 2 7 O ct 1 99 4 Contractions on a manifold polarized by an ample vector bundle
متن کامل
cm p - lg / 9 60 70 10 9 Ju l 1 99 6 Efficient Implementation of a Semantic - based Transfer Approach 1
This article gives an overview of a new semantic-based transfer approach developed and applied within the Verbmobil Machine Translation project [22]. We present the declarative transfer formalism and discuss its implementation. The results presented in this paper have been integrated successfully in the Verbmobil system.
متن کاملar X iv : a lg - g eo m / 9 61 00 16 v 1 1 5 O ct 1 99 6 ARITHMETICALLY
We show that the arithmetically Cohen–Macaulay (ACM) curves of degree 4 and genus 0 in P 4 form an irreducible subset of the Hilbert scheme. Using this, we show that the singular locus of the corresponding component of the Hilbert scheme has dimension greater than 6. Moreover, we describe the structures of all ACM curves of Hilb 4m+1 (P 4).
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - p h / 99 07 41 5 v 1 1 9 Ju l 1 99 9 Zeros , dips and signs in pp and pp̄ elastic amplitudes
The dips observed in the differential cross sections of elastic pp and pp̄ scattering are studied in terms of the locations of the zeros of the real and imaginary parts of the amplitude and of the sign of real part at large |t|. It is confirmed that the differences in shapes of the dips in the pp and pp̄ systems are determined by a change of sign of the real tail, which seems to be determined by ...
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - p h / 95 10 41 9 v 2 2 7 O ct 1 99 5 CERN - TH / 95 - 285 ν τ OSCILLATION EXPERIMENTS AND PRESENT DATA
Our goal in this paper is to examine the discovery potential of laboratory experiments searching for the oscillation νµ(νe) → ντ , in the light of recent data on solar and atmospheric neutrino experiments, which we analyse together with the most restrictive results from laboratory experiments on neutrino oscillations in a four-neutrino framework.
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